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Video Game Junkie

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He's still up it's 1 AM
He's got the playstation controller in his hand.
He quickly beats the next boss then enters a cheat
Just so he can beat
The final boss yeah wa-a-oh
Turns on the Gamecube
the minute he gets home
takes a quick bite of his sandwich
than sings along to the theme song
What can he say
He loves to play his games
He's just a video game junkie
Knows all the specials
all the cheat codes too
knows all the catch phrases
even some kung fu (that's not true)
What can he say
he loves to play his games.
He's just a video game junkie.
And he knows it's really bad
but his eyes just cannot control
what he thinks or what he says
And he has a crush on... Zelda.
He's just a video game junkie
He's just a video game junkie
He's just a video game junkie
He's just a video game junkie

There is no copyright, so get a life and stop reading this stuff...